About the Journal
The Praci Sudha (Estd. in 2008) - A Peer-Reviewed and Referred Half Yearly Sanskrit Research Journal is published by the Purusottam Research Academy of Indology (Estd. in 2005) Puri, Odisha in the field of Vedic Literature, Culture, Philosophy and Religion etc. dedicated to the Pure Consciousness and Bliss, the Ultimate Goal.
Description of JOURNAL
ISSN -2249-2313
Frequency – Half yearly
Language – Sanskrit
Review Process – Double Blinded
Plagiarism Tolerance – Zero Level
- Create avenue for immediate publication of original academic and research content.
- Document and achieve academic content for the college library and for e-teaching-learning purpose.
- Value adding to the academic activities as per UGC mandate.
Guidelines, Formats and Roles for authors and Editors
Guidelines for authors
- The Research Paper must be an original contribution of the author.
- The Research Paper must present a discovery...
Format of the Paper
Title : The title of research paper must be simple and logical. Name/s of Author/s and institutional affiliations only be provided...
Role of Editors
The role of the editors is to evaluate the suitability of submitted manuscripts for the journal, including: (a) the quality of the manuscript, ...
Peer Review System
The journal employs the double-blind peer review process, where both reviewers and authors remain unidentified throughout the review ...
Year wise Publications
- All
- 2018
- 2019
- 2020
Our team is always here to help

Dr. Biswanath Swain
Dr. Yudhistir SahuAsst. Prof. of Sanskrit, Revensaw University, Cuttack

Dr ...
Dr. Bighneswar MishraAsst. Prof. of Sanskrit, SKCG Auto College, Gajapati